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(Autographed copies)
Price: $46.73 (+tax & shipping)
Paddling Edna – Part 1
(Autographed copy)
Price: $25.23(+tax & shipping)

Paddling Edna follows the daily journal of LaNae Abnet as she and her husband kayaked the 1600 miles from the source of the Wabash River to the Gulf of Mexico. She shares with readers not only the events of each day, but also the ponderings, observations, philosophies, fears, and exhilarations experienced throughout their journey.
Rare is the tale of self-sustenance that revolves around a couple experiencing life together on an outdoor adventure, particularly an outdoor adventure that required the raising, preparation, and caching of their own foods. The two had to learn how to live and survive closely with nature and each other, and as a result, they grew as individuals and as a couple.
Most of us have dreams that we know we’ll never be quite brave enough to jump off the bank and achieve. What will others think? How much will this adventure cost? What will I have to give up? How much time will I have to sacrifice? Are there dangers? LaNae had those same fears and struggled with how to achieve her dream. Then she discovered the answer: Just do it!
Experience LaNae and John Abnet’s journey right alongside the couple—and you just might be inspired enough to jump off your own bank and into a world of excitement.
Paddling Edna – Part 2 – Into the Sea
(Autographed copy)
Price: $23.36(+tax & shipping)
Click here to purchase Paddling Edna – Part 2 – Into the Sea

We all have dreams for the future, some irrational and some unbelievable. But inevitably something holds us back from turning our wildest dreams into a reality. We allow doubt and fear to creep in, and we never realize our potential to live out our ambitions. While waiting on the embankment too afraid to jump in, our dreams languish. So how do we find the courage to go for it? LaNae Abnet took a leap of faith, left the riverbank, and journeyed to the Gulf of Mexico.
LaNae and her husband traveled by kayak 1600 miles from the source of the Wabash River to the Gulf of Mexico. Paddling Edna (part 2) Into the Sea picks up where her previous book, Paddling Edna (part 1), left off and finishes the story as LaNae and her husband kayak the remaining 971 miles on the lower Mississippi River from just below Cairo, Illinois, to the Gulf of Mexico. An intimate narrative, LaNae relates not only the events and challenges of each day but also her observations, musings, philosophies, and fears. LaNae eagerly embraces the unexpected and is always on the lookout for truly remarkable experiences.
The perfect read for any outdoor enthusiast, Abnet’s story demonstrates how ordinary people can accomplish the extraordinary; and her outlook is an inspiration to adventure seekers of all ages.