Last year we took a big bite. A really big bite–a bite of adventure that took three and a half months to swallow.
This year, however, the perceived need for income imposed by modern society prevents us from taking such a big bite. The challenge: How to maintain a momentum of adventure and established networks while still having full-time gainful employment. The answer? Weekends. The goal? To locate opportunities for adventure within the distance and time afforded by a weekend.
One option? Organized events. While we generally lean towards solo/isolated experiences, fully exploiting places within the reach of a weekend seems best accomplished by incorporating organized events.
We have found organizations such as NWIPA (Northwest Indiana Paddling Association), and Fort Wayne Paddlers, and have signed up for their groups and newsletters in search of some new accessible places to paddle. Of course, we still have our known favorites and have penciled in a Drummond Island to Canada crossing late this summer. Our friends and fellow paddlers Barry and Robin have made this trip before, and we may try to join them next time. This would take us across approximately 16 miles of Lake Huron to St. Joseph island Canada, where we will likely camp over and then return the next day. Passports!
In the meantime, J. Edward Rousch Lake (Huntington Reservoir) and various stretches of “our” river, the Wabash, should provide plenty of opportunities to maintain our form.
Possible setback? LaNae’s hip. She is having significant pain and something needs done for her to maintain her quality of life. She has appointments with surgeons but is hoping steroid shots or other options may prevent the knife, or at least delay it until next fall.
The next big bite? Who knows. We’re exploring everything from sailing the Great Lakes to circumnavigating Nova Scotia by kayak. Regardless it will be at least a couple more years before can swing something with that duration.
It’s hard to believe last year at this time we were living on the river. Our time on the river seems like years ago or even someone else’s life. We spent our days fixing dehydrated food for breakfast, tearing down camp, packing the boats, kayaking all day, finding a place to camp, setting up camp, eating dehydrated food for dinner, and sleeping in a small tent. Then starting all over the next day. We loved living our isolated life on the river, but to remain there would seem impractical in modern culture.
This year, we spend our days… John – working out, driving an hour to work, eating a granola bar for breakfast on his way to work, working 10 hours, driving an hour home, eating a non-dehydrated meal for dinner, doing whatever needs done at home, and watching 1960’s Dark Shadows episodes on Netflix. Then staring all over the next day. LaNae – working out, eating oatmeal for breakfast, doing household stuff, writing Paddling Edna (Who’s Edna? Find out in our book.*), fixing non-dehydrated food for dinner, and watching the 1960’s Dark Shadows episodes on Netflix Then starting all over the next day. Soon gardening will take up much of the day.
Since we are daily going in separate directions, we miss having a common goal since. However, as in every course of our life, we are learning in preparation for the next bite.
Stayed tuned.
*Send us an e-mail if you want to receive a notification when the book – Paddling Edna – is available.
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